商品型號: CNC ST-2500
- 主軸數: 1軸
- 加工孔徑: 3 ~ 25mm(5 ~ 40mm)
- 長鑚孔長度: 2,500mm
- 加工進給速度: 10 ~ 150 mm/min
- 主軸高轉速: 6,000 rpm
- 切削油油壓: 10~100 kg/cm2;
- 泵浦流量: 30 ~ 60 L/min
- 油箱容量: 1200 L
- 工作台尺寸: 3,000 x 2,000mm
- 立柱左右移動行程(X軸): 5,000mm
- 主軸升降行程(Y軸): 3,000mm
- 主軸移動行程 (Z軸): 2,800mm
- 主軸馬達: 5.5kw(7.5kw)
- Z軸馬達: 1.2kw
- Y軸馬達: 2.5kw
- X軸馬達: 2.5kw
- 高壓油泵馬達: 5.5kw兩顆
- Total machine power: 25kw
- 工作台大荷重:20,000kgs
- 機台淨重: 27,000kgs
- 機台佔地面積(Approx): 6,000 x 6,000 mm
- 紙帶過濾機
- 磁鐵分離機
- 油屑分離系統
- 高壓油泵
- 自動潤滑系統
- 外油箱/油位計
- 變壓器
- 水平螺絲
- 工具箱/警示燈
- 操作手冊
- 冷凍機
- 槍鑚
- 刀導套
- 橡膠套
- 穩壓器
- 全罩鈑金
- 槍鑽研磨機
- 安全門開關
- 油霧收集器
- 過濾筒
- 特殊銑、攻牙功能
- CNC ST-2500 with CNC and 3-axes is designed for drilling big size molds and irregular components.
- With moving-column design, the big size table is available to load heavy component, without considering the weight of component.
- This type machines are suitable for the production of heavy components, like heat-exchanger, coolant block, ect.
- Servo motor and Ball screw are used for the feed mechanism to insure smooth and convenience for feed rate adjust.
- Hardened and ground main slide ways to hardness HRC52. The opposite ways and gibes are all Turcite-B plated with hand scraped bearing surface.
- Automatic lubrication pump is provided as standard accessory to ensure all bearing surface and screws are well lubricated.
- CE requirement is available